Guðmundur Daníelsson
Guðmundur Daníelsson runs the Bláædasetrið and has a practice in Læknahúsin Dea Medica in Glæsibær. He has a medical license from the University of Iceland and a doctorate from the University of Lund, Sweden.
Studied medicine at the University of Iceland, 1982-1988. Worked at various departments at the University Hospital Landspítali during the following years. Internship in surgery at University Hospital Landspítali. General and vascular surgery University Hospital Lund from 1995-2004. Doctoral studies, Lund University, Sweden, 1997-2003. Research Fellowship, Straub Clinic and Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2000-2001.
Degree and license
Medical degree 1988, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland. General medical license in Iceland, 1990. General medical license in Sweden, 1993. Board exam in surgery in Sweden, 1994. License as General Surgeon in Iceland, 1994. License as General Surgeon in Sweden, 1995. License as Vascular Surgeon Iceland and Sweden, 1995. ATLS diploma (Advanced Trauma Life Support®) Sweden, 1999. Medical license in Hawaii, 2001. Doctoral thesis in Vascular Surgery from Lund University in Sweden, 2003 (Aspects on Chronic Venous Diseases, Department of Vascular Diseases Malmo-Lund).
Worked at the Surgery Department in University Hospital Landspitali, Reykjavik, Iceland after completing his medical studies in year in 1988. Specialization in General Surgery, Uddevalla Hospital, Uddevalla, Sweden, 1992-1995. University Hospital in Lund, Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery 1995-2004. Senior physician at the Vascular Surgery Department (Department of Vascular Diseases Malmo-Lund) 2002-2004. Part-time specialist at Scandinavian Venous Center Stockholm and Malmo 2004-2016. Part-time specialist, Venous Diseases, Aleris Hospital Stavanger 2016-2021. Vascular Surgeon, University Hospital Landspítali, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2004-2017. Specialist in Vascular Surgery, Reykjavik Venous Center, Domus Medica 2005-2021. Specialist in Vascular Surgery, Reykjavik Venous Center, Læknahúsið Dea Medica, Glæsibær from 2022.
Associate professor in Vascular Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland 2009.
Academic work
Dr. Gudmundur have authored numerous articles in both foreign and national medical journals, along with contributing chapters to academic books in the field of Vascular Surgery. Additionally, served as a peer reviewer for professional journals in Surgery and Vascular Surgery.